Matt Kevan

Art, design & code


Hi, I'm Matt Kevan, a designer and artist based in Manchester.

Throughout my career I've focused on building and growing high-performing creative teams, developing processes and ways of working that deliver real value while also providing a creative and supportive environment.

I currently lead the UX team at High Speed Training. Previous roles include lead UX designer at, head of product and design at Mumsnet and creative manager at NDP Studio.

I'm interested in the crossover between creativity, design and technology, and am always on the lookout for new tools and technologies. I create art with generative artificial intelligence, draw, build websites and curate UX Lift, a newsletter and website featuring the latest UX news and resources.

Please do send me an email if you want to get in touch.


This site is built with Eleventy, HTMX and Tailwind, stored in Github and hosted by Netilfy. I use Obsidian for words, Visual Studio for code, Pixelmator Pro and Affinity Photo 2 for images and Affinity Designer 2 and Figma for vectors. The font is PP Neue Machina.